Once you have purchased and paid for items in full you will need to remove them promptly and in accordance with our terms and conditions. Please note the following:
- Buyers are responsible for the safe removal of their purchases.
- Our staff are onsite to supervise the safe removal process. We will not move items.
- Only riggers with valid insurance coverage and worker’s compensation certificates are permitted to remove machinery.
- A list of riggers that attend the auction will be provided and sent along with your invoice.
- Such documentation must be provided to us in advance of the machinery being moved.
- Your riggers will be responsible for ensuring a safe work environment and to clean up.
- No items may be removed during the auction.
- Removal times are weekdays between 8-4pm.
Please do not wait until the very last day to start the removal process.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The following are the standard procedures and terms and conditions for the removal of equipment or other items purchased at an Infinity Asset Solutions Inc. (“Infinity”) sale:
- All invoices must be paid in full prior to removal of equipment/ Each invoice must be marked “Paid in Full” and initialed by an authorized Infinity representative.
- All buyers are solely responsible for coordinating the removal of items purchased at the Auction and all associated costs.
- Buyers are responsible for, at their expense:
- Proper and safe disconnection and termination of all electrical, gas, water and/or air lines to machines conforming to all governing building codes;
- Shearing flush to the floor of all anchor bolts or fasteners;
- Erecting safety barriers around pits and holes in the floor created by removal of equipment until repaired;
- Repair all holes in the floor, walls or roof created by the removal of items purchased conforming to all governing building codes;
- Removing, off premises, machine oils and all hazardous materials (including all contaminants) contained in items purchased;
- Repairing all damage cased to the premises by a buyer, its representative or any other party hired by a buyer for the removal of items purchased;
- Leaving the work area in a clean, broom-swept condition conforming to all governing building codes;
- Any other specific terms and conditions communicated by Infinity before, during or after the auction sale;
- Removal of items purchased by the time and date set by Infinity before, during or after the auction sale; and
- The safety of all of a buyer’s employees, agents or representatives including all movers/riggers hired by such buyer.
- Prior to removal, all buyers, or any movers or riggers hired by a buyer, must provide to Infinity a satisfactory certificate of insurance evidencing at least $5,000,000 in comprehensive liability insurance coverage (including workers compensation and automobile) per person, per occurrence.
- Prior to removal, an authorized Infinity representative must examine and approve the removal of all items purchased at the sale. Such approval shall be indicated by this representative initialing all invoices.
- No items shall be removed until after the auction sale. Removal hours are weekdays only between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified.
- Buyers and their movers/riggers are jointly and severally liable for all damages, costs and expenses to the premises or any other assets which were cased by any of them, their employees, agents or representatives whether through negligence or otherwise. The Buyer indemnifies and saves Infinity harmless from any and all costs, expenses and claims suffered or incurred by Infinity as a result of any act or omission of such buyer and/or any mover or rigger retained by a buyer.
NOTE: Buyers, please provide all movers or riggers hired by you with a copy of these procedures/terms and conditions as you will be held liable for their conduct.